Terra Exotic Vegetable Chips, Original 4 Oz

No trans fat. People often say there's nothing new under the sun, and yet Terra Chips are both old-fashioned and uniquely new. Old-fashioned in the sense that people have cherished these root vegetables since before civilization began. New in that two chefs from New York City, Dana Sinkler and Alexander Dzieduszycki, have gathered this delicious variety of vegetables together and prepared them into a light, naturally colorful collection of chips. Many of these vegetables are savory, some are sweet and mixed together they achieve a satisfying balance of flavors - complex, nutty, rich, delicate. Terra Chips. Terra Chips combine the beautiful colors and delicious flavors of the earth's own vegetables into the perfect accompaniment for most cusines. Taro (also known as Malanga and Dasheen) The white chip with the characteristic purplish-brown lines. Yuca (Cassava) The lightest of color of the Terra Chips, pale yellow-white. Sweet Potato (a distinct variety of the Ipomoeabatatas) A glorious late-summer orange. Ruby Root Vegetables: Perhaps the most dramatic, these Terra chips are kissed with beet juice, resulting in their distinctive autumn red color. Batata (Boniato or Cuban Sweet Potato) Light brown in color, yet darker than the Yuca. Batata has been savored in the Caribbean for centuries. Parsnip is a member of the same family as carrots, fennel, parsley, celery, celeriac and chervil. Made in the USA.