Why have a beer when you could have a session. A beer that goes to 11 fluid ounces. Don't be bitter. I'm not. Other IPA's pale in comparison. Good things come in small packages. Does this bottle make my neck look fat? You've had intense pale ales. Intoxicating pale ales. Even insane pale ales. Isn't it time for an ideal pale ale? 11 fluid ounce stubby bottles. IPA's are insanely popular these days. But let's face it, sometimes it feels like there's a hops arms race going on. That's why we came up with Session IPA. It's a premium pale ale that thinks for itself. Not too hoppy. Not too bitter. Not too malty. Just right. Have a good Session! Swig r xlnt IPA. Cuz yolo bro. Just right! Names we wisely rejected in favor of Session IPA: Session INC; Session ICK; Session IPO; Session ILL; Session IOU; Session IRA; Session NRA; Session PTA; Session CIA; Session EPA; Session SOS; Session OMG; Session LOL; Session BFD; Session OCD; Session BFF; Session WTF; Session YMCA; Session 401(K). Short on neck. Long on flavor. Since 1987. Glass recycles. Corrugated recycles. We support Blue Sky renewable energy. Brewed and bottled by Full Sail Brewing Co. Hood River, Oregon.