Premium. Many years ago, one of our master bakers visited Canada and returned talking about a wonderful bread be had eaten there. After several years of experiments, he achieved in our bakery the flavor and texture of the loaf he had so enjoyed, J. J. Nissen Canadian 100% Whole Wheat Bread. It has great flavor and aroma and the whole family likes it. Now nutritionists have given us another reason to eat Nissen Canadian 100% Whole Wheat Bread - it's good for you! They recommend that bread, as part of the grain based foods group, supply the foundation of a well balanced, healthy diet. Since 1899 when John J. Nissen established his first bakery in Portland, Maine we have been committed to his high quality standards for all our fresh baked goods. Our Nissen Canadian 100% Whole Wheat Bread meets J.J.'s requirements. It is made with only the finest grains and ingredients from nature and provides a good supply of complex carbohydrates as well as many other important nutrients. And, it is naturally low in fat and cholesterol So make Nissen Canadian 100% Whole Wheat Bread a part of your daily diet - a delicious and convenient way to get the benefits of grain based foods recommended by the food guide pyramid. Food Guide Pyramid: A guide to daily food choices. Fats, Oils & Sweets: Use sparingly. Milk, Yogurt, & Cheese Group: 2-3 servings. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nuts Group: 2-3 servings. Vegetable Group: 3-5 servings. Fruit Group: 2-4 servings. Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta: 6-11 servings. Source: US Department of Agriculture. The Food Guide Pyramid (based on the US Dietary Guide for Americans) is a general guide that lets you find a healthy way of eating that is right for you. As part of a well balanced diet, the Food Guide Pyramid recommends 6-11 servings of bread and other grain based foods daily.