Nesquik Milk, Fat Free, Chocolate
Fortified with extra calcium. 10% DV more than flavored whole milk. Grade A, Vitamin A & D. Homogenized, Ultra - pasteurized. Did You Know? - That over 50% of today's kids don't get the daily calcium they need for optimal bone growth? (According to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)). Each 8 fl oz serving of Nesquik provides 40% of the daily value for calcium (10% DV more than flavored whole milk). Children who drink flavored milk have higher intakes of calcium in their overall diet. Children who drink flavored milk drink more milk overall, consume more calcium, and consume fewer nutrient void soft drinks and fruit drinks (less than 10% fruit juice) without increasing their consumption of added sugars or total fat in their diet. Kid Delicious, Mom Nutritious! The calcium and vitamin D in Nesquik help build strong bones. The protein in Nesquik helps maintain strong muscles. The vitamin A in Nesquik helps promote normal vision. Calcium fortified. 10% DV more calcium per serving (40%) vs. flavored whole milk (30%). 99% Caffeine free.