Handsome Brook Farm Eggs, Pasture Raised 12 Ea
Taste the difference! Fresh eggs. No hormones (per FDA regulations). Grade A. No antibiotics. Level 4: Pasture raised. All eggs are not created equal. Handsome Brook Farm Pasture Raised Eggs are special, you can be assured that Handsome Brook Farm Pasture Raised Eggs come from happy, healthy chickens who are able to forage in pasture freely during the day (weather permitting of course) eating grass, flowers, and bugs to their content and are safely protected at night. The result is the highest quality, most delicious egg available, with bright yellow yolks and firm whites. For more information on Handsome Brook Farm and our eggs, please visit our website at hbfeggs.com and handsomebrookfarm.com or call us at (607) 829-2587. Bryan and Betsy Babcock, Handsome Brook Farm. Taste the difference! All eggs are produced without added hormones.