Buckleys Mixture Cough Suppressant, Sugar Free, Alcohol Free
The story of Buckley's Mixture: Back in 1919, my dad owned his own drug store in Toronto, Canada. In those days, pharmacist would often make their own medicines. (It was called compounding). A lot of Dad's customers were looking for a cough remedy they could count on, so they asked him to come up with one. Dad gave it a lot of thought, and after a great deal of trial and error, he came up with Buckle's Mixture. It was a big hit in the neighborhood, because it was sugar-free, alcohol-free and it wouldn't make you sleepy. The one problem Dad found was Buckley's unique taste. Dad described it as brisk, but to be real honest, it tastes real bad. Today, millions of Canadians rely on Buckley's Mixture. And if anybody knows about coughs and colds, it's Canadians. So if you have a nagging cough du to a cold, give Buckley's Mixture a try. If you're not completely satisfied, I'll give your money back. Just remember two things about Buckley's Mixture. It tastes awful. And it works.