Woodbridge Chardonnay, California 750 ml
Woodbridge Chardonnay White Wine unveils aromas of pear complemented by subtle oak and cinnamon. This California chardonnay wine's light to medium body and vibrant acidity showcase characteristic flavors of peach and apple, leading to a toasty finish with vanilla oak notes. Grapes in this California white wine are sourced from vineyards where warm days and cool breezes permit the grapes to mature fully for nicely balanced, well-rounded flavor. Oak aging on the lees further enriches the texture and complexity of this Woodbridge Wine by Robert Mondavi. Pair this fresh yet silky chardonnay wine with light appetizers, as well as hearty dishes like roast chicken with white truffle risotto, or take time to indulge, enjoying a glass of wine on its own. For best flavor, chill this 750 mL bottle of wine for two to two and a half hours before serving at approximately 50 degrees. Winner of multiple Wine Enthusiast BEST BUY awards since 2011, Woodbridge is Wine Your Way. Please enjoy our wines responsibly. © 2024 Woodbridge Winery, Acampo, CA