Tavernello Vino Bianco, D'italia 750 ml
No. 1 wine in Italy (No. 1 wine in Italy, according to sales, source SymphonyIRI Group, year ending December 2013, based on packaged goods, total wine by volume sold at grocery self service stores greater than 100 sq m) according to sales. White table wine. Italy's No. 1 selling wine brand, Tavernello, is an authentic and easy drinking Italian wine; it has been enjoyed by Italian families for over 30 years and is the ideal everyday drinking wine. This crisp white wine has fresh, floral aromas and is pleasantly fruity on the palate. Try it with roasted white meats, or simply enjoy on its own. Wine leader in Italy. Facebook: Tavernello International. www.tavernello.com. Alc. 11% by vol. Bottled and shipped by Caviro s.c.a. Faenza in Forli - Italy. Product of Italy.