- 1 12-ounce bag fresh or frozen cranberries
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 8-10 cardamom pods
- 1 large navel orange, zested and juiced
- 1 cup water
Prep Time: 10 mins | Ready In: 20 min | Servings: 2 Cups
- Bring all ingredients to a boil in a medium saucepan.
- Reduce to a simmer and cook uncovered for 10-15 minutes until all cranberries have popped out of their skins and sauce thickens.
- Fish out cardamom pods and discard.
- For best flavor, refrigerate overnight and serve warm.
Nutrition Facts:
610 Calories | 4g Total Fat | 0g Saturated Fat | 10mg Sodium | 470mg Potassium | 151g Carbohydrate | 10g Dietary Fiber | 106g Sugars | 4g Protein
Recipe Source: Yummly/Food Republic